Monday, June 15, 2009

Tabloid Titillations

The fur is flying on the Net Curtains Lurkers blog with accusations of secret paternity by both parties. David claims that Bonky has two sons out of wedlock which he refuses to recognize. Bonky claims that David has fathered various children all across the EU who are now engaged in a second generation demonic plot against him, a la The Boys From Brazil. Can you imagine the sons and daughters of Bonky and David carrying on the tradition, writing "tell all " books, posting nasty web pages, and generally carrying their parents feud into the 21st century?

All this proxy feud nonsense could be avoided if Bonky and David would face each other in person with Sir David Frost as moderator. We propose that if the two elder protagonists don't have the bollocks to do it, how about their children? What if the two sons of David meet the two sons of Bonky -- at a public "panel discussion" event? Proceeds from any admission fees would be split between the parties. I say it's an idea whose time has come!


David Farrant said...

My information is that his two sons hate his guts after he tried to disown them. And I don't know where my sons are!

BUT . . . I could have an idea . . . maybe!

Why not get Catherine to go on as his spoksperson? I'm sure that one of my daughters would love to go on and represent me and I think she'd relish the opportunity to 'rip Catherine to pieces' (speaking metaphorically of course!) She has already done this before in private but sure she'd love the chance to 'go public'!

Well, just an idea!

David (Farrant)

David Farrant said...

"SECRET LOVE NEST" . . . with HER!! You gotta be joking!

Besides, I just haven't got enough hot water bottles!
