Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Profitably Insane

The other day I was pondering the possibility of Bishop Bonkers being authentically and tragically "mental". It is an interesting concept when you think about it. Here is an individual who writes books and gives interviews describing his beliefs in (among other things) the efficacy of pounding wooden stakes into the chests of demonic entities. Rather than being mercilessly made sport of, perhaps he should be pitied, as one would pity a mongoloid child or a brain-damaged war veteran.

However there is one major difference between the latter unfortunates and Bonky. He actively peddles his dementia for status and profit, not unlike author Whitley Streiber - a guy who claims to be victimized by a malevolent alien conspiracy - yet is able to comprehensively package and pitch a series of highly lucrative books and films on the subject. This kind of 'profitable insanity' probably deserves to be made sport of, don't you think?

*An uncharacteristically thoughtful blog entry, I admit. Don't worry, we'll be back to our usual slashing satire next time!


matt said...

I have no objection to those who are 'profitably insane', provided that they reatin some measure of decency. You might describe Brinsley Trench as profitably insane, he published many books with themes such as ,the hollow earth, Jesus was a UFOnaut etc. However Trench was a genuine toff (an Earl) and a consummate gentleman.

Baldry's Cat said...

Ah yes you're right. When you add a certain kind of "caustic disagreeableness" and perhaps hypocrisy to the equation, the profitably insane become worthy of scorn.

American Psycho said...

Interesting question. Is Bonky genuinely insane? He does act like someone with Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

I don't think he really deserves pity...looks to me as if his bonkiness began as a choice. He's been telling people grand stories about himself since the 60s, after all.