Friday, June 12, 2009

On The Wagon

Alas, t'were it not for The Great Shaving Brush Scandal of 2007 she might be a best-selling author by now. Lord knows it's not for lack of trying. Every chance she gets, she's out drumming up publicity for the notion that Robin Hood is quite dead in Kirklees (or something like that). Of course I'm talking about our spunky Yorkshire lass Babsy who, for years now, has been riding the Robin Hood bandwagon while fighting to open the minds (and wallets) of an indifferent British Public. Despite her various personal peccadillos (they say she once chased David 'round the back garden until he agreed to give her a kiss) we do like her for being a cat lover.


Alex Berger said...

Three cheers for our Barbara!

Greenwych said...

Well I am honoured by I am afraid you are quite wrong ladyboy ca! Chased David round the garden for a kiss forsooth, I think not, and as for making money over Robin Hood, its hardly the case with all those Kirklles cap doffers robbing the poor to give to the rich round here!

David Farrant said...

I wasn't chasing Barbara, Cat. Just helping her to find the shaving brush in the garden!
