Transcript of a recent interview conducted at David Farrant's flat.
Hoggy: David, on page 256 of The Mildewed Chalice
1, your 89th book on the Highgate Vampire, you wrote "I bent low upon entering the crypt", yet in a March 8, 2002 post
2 on the Vampires n' Vixens Forum, you wrote "I walked into the crypt with my head held high".
David: Yes, I suppose I did.
Hoggy: Well don't you see a glaring inconsistency and a rather vile lack of truthfulness there?
David: No, not really. Maybe I bent for a moment, then straightened up.
Hoggy: Don't you dare try and wriggle out of it, Farrant! Your statement in The Mildewed Chalice clearly contradicts your statement in Vampires n' Vixens!
David: That's true, but I have tried to explain it.
Hoggy: So you ADMIT that your answers are inconsistent!
David: They probably are, but what do you expect? We are talking about "vampire sightings" not brain surgery.
Hoggy: I've GOT you now, you evasive old rascal! You ADMIT inconsistency! Don't you? DON'T YOU?!
David: Sure. (sigh) Yes. Why not.
Hoggy: (dances around the room) Ah ha ha ha HAAA! Your integrity is dishonoured, Sir! Liar, liar, pants on fire! Ha ha HOO haa! Oh, they laughed at me and made jokes, but I proved beyond the shadow of a doubt, and with geometric logic, that you have made inconsistent statements! (throws open window) DO YE HEAR ME OUT THERE, WORLD? I'VE BESTED FARRANT!!! ME!!!!!....
David: Erm, mind the window casing, it's a bit weak.
David: Oh dear. Rotten luck, Hoggy. Now where's that bottle of wine I've put aside?