Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Ex-Vampire Hunters Star in "Mac vs PC" Adverts

This just in. A transcript of a new Macintosh TV ad starring - who else - the Oscar Madison and Felix Ungar of Highgate:

Hi, I'm a PC.
David: Hi, I'm a Mac.
Bonky: Mac, you just copied what I just said, you interloping charlatan. I'll sue you for infringement!
David: Oh relax, PC. Why are you always so upset? Is it because I'm "cooler"? Because people like me better?
Bonky: No! Because you're possessed by demonic entities who can only be stopped by a wooden stake through the heart!
David: Hmm. Time to reformat your hard drive.


Lone Stranger said...

Of course, Bonky would be the PC and use "Windoze."

David Farrant said...

His hard drive (if he even has one!) must be so full up with 'cut n' pasted' junk, I'm surprised the bloody thing works at all!

Get a Mac, I say. I'm much better value!

David Farrant